As the end of Cold War,the fall replica watches of the Berlin wall as the series of change of the world.Geman’s high grade watchmaking returned back to public’s sight.The most famouse brands are Lange,Glashutte Original and Nomos,but which is not known to all,there is another German brand closely related to the three famous brands and has decisive position in German clock history,that is Wempe.
Someone may doubt that Wempe is a store’s name how can it be a watch brand?Exactly,if you know it is a watch store it means you have a certain understanding to clocks.In 1878,the exquisite watchmaker Gerhard D. Wempe opened his first store by only 80Mark as initial capital and exquisite craft in the north of Germany at his age of 21 years old.
In order to make his chrono product more excellent,he could not avoud conmunicating and studing with Swiss clock brands.And finally in 1923,they got the achievement by cooperating with Swiss watchmaking industry for many years,Mr.Gerhard’s son Herbert Wempe brought a mansion in Hamburg Germany as the headquarters and also won Omega and Longine’s exclusivity in Hamburg.
Nowadays,the little watch store has been an international company whose headquarter locating in Hamburg and subbranches spreading around the world’s most prosperous cities.It even be biggest clock and jewelry dealer,and Wempe opened a new store in Beijing marked that Wempe officially entered Asian market.
As is known to all,World War II brought a destructive effect to German watchmaking industry.All the high grade Geman watch we could find appeared after the World War II, Wempe is even more late.If you want to retrospect Wempe’s watchmaking history,let’s trace back to replica rolex hundred years ago.In 1910,influenced by the second industrial revolution,people’s life rhythm speeded up which improved the requrements to precise chrono.So the watchmakers of Glashutte Original requireed to build a observatory in local as a place for clock precision.
In 1936,Wempe began to make accuracy observatory watch with Lange together in Glashutte which included aircraft watch and ship’s clock for Sailing,and parts of ship’s clock produced in Glashutte,other parts produced in Hamburge for military.In the same year,Glashutte observatory opend up to people who lived aside could observe astronomical scene,
After the second world war,Glashutte took over by the Soviet Union meanwhile forbided any watchmaking activities Warsaw pact outside of the organization and personality.To save strength, Wempe retracted all watchmaking power to Hamburge which made a massy basis for best sale replica watches comeback.