Extremely full sense of technological best sale replica watches appearance:MOTA SmartWatch G2 has a distinguished appearance which takes the design of bracelet and has red,black and white could be chose,and two size 7.5″and 7″.According to the official site of MOTA,the resercation products could be shipped on Juny 20.
Seamless joint to Siri and Google Now:Comparing to the predecessor,MOTA SmartWatch G2 coming out to support Google Now and Siri.While MOTA SmartWatch G2 matches iphone or Android,wearers could control ohone and receive the voice review on phone.
This smartwatch carries a OLED surface dot matrix display screen,a compositive loudspeaker and microphone.To match with phone,wearer could speak to another side directly instead of looking for the phone.In addition,wearer could also reply emails,check weather forecast and have a fake watches voice search via the smartwatch.
MOTA SmartWatch G2 time of endurance is 72 hours,maintain talk time is about 3 hours,the charging time is about 2 to 3 hours.What not very satisfied is it takes bluetooth 3.0 to connect with phone instead of the bluetooth 4.0 protocol which is low-dissipation.In the growing popularity of the bluetooth 4.0 agreement of today,it is rather inconceivable.
About MOTA:MOTA is a foreign consumer electronics companies who is donated to develop electronic equipments to improve life experience.At present,there are MOTA 3D Printer,MOTA SmartWatch G2,MOTA replica rolex SmartGlass,MOTA Portable Power and MOTA Drone Hawk sale on the official site.
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