Today is Apple watch’s booking date,according best sale replica watches to the notice by the official site of China mainland and China HK,It could be booked on half past three pm,April 10th which means booking to try-in also started.I am waiting its starting at 2 o’clock pm but i find that the system always in error,but it went smoothly on half past three and didn’t be in error as the day of selling iphone 6,and it could be booked easily.Meanwhile,the official site of mainland China starts reservation as well,but the price of HK for 42mm is 3088HKD(2500CNY),and it is 2988 in mainland China and the 38mm is 2588CNY which means buy the watch in HK will be more value.
If there are some ameteurs want to buy it after April 10th,please notice below information.
-Buying only by booking.It could not be brought in Apple Retail Store directly.It is very important.
-Booking start from PM 3:01 April 10th.Please booking it as earlier as possible if you want the one you are more appreciate.
-There are two ways of booking online:one is to book it in Apple Store,it support debit card,credit card and and fake watches mastercard will be the fastest way which do not need to jump to other sites.The watch will be delivered to yout shipping address after its officially on sale.Another way is to book on Apple’s official site and then go the store you choose and pay it.Your phone number,ID card number and your Apple ID might be required during the whole process,if you are Apple user,you must have an Apple ID.In order to keep the appointment process smoothly,you’d better remind of your Apple ID and password.But if you forget it,you should go official site to register.
Meanwhile,users could book the service of try-in,generally,each person have 15 minutes to have a try.Please notice:Apple watch cannot be activated without iphone which should be iphone 5 and other replica cartier models,iOS version must be
above 8.2.